Think your plans might change?
With FareCredit added to your booking you’ve got the flexibility to cancel – no questions asked!
What is FareCredit?
Cancel your booking for any reason
No questions asked

Available on a range of routes
Both domestic and international
Cover one, cover all
You can choose to cover one flight, or all flights on your booking
We know things don’t always go to plan. That’s why we’ve introduced FareCredit! Whether it’s an unexpected illness or emergency, or simply a change of mind, adding FareCredit to your booking means you can cancel for any reason and get a credit voucher.
Once cancelled, we'll send you a credit voucher for the value of your fare plus any in-flight extras, like meals, seat selection and bags (the cost of FareCredit itself is non-refundable). Adding flexibility doesn't get much easier than that!
Add FareCredit to your next holiday and relax. Only available on jetstar.com.

How does FareCredit Work?
Add FareCredit to your booking
FareCredit is only available when you make your initial booking. You can’t add it after you’ve booked.
Apply to your flight(s)
You can choose to apply FareCredit to one flight, or all flights in your booking – it’s completely up to you!

Applied to all passengers
Once added, FareCredit will apply to all passengers on the selected flight. You’ll see confirmation it has been applied.

Need to cancel your flights?
Head to Manage booking and select 'Cancel options'. You can cancel up until airport check-in opens, even if you’ve checked in online already.

Get your voucher
Once you’ve cancelled, we’ll email you a credit voucher within 72 hours. The voucher is valid for 3 years.