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Mt William Standard Room
Mt William Standard Room
Sleeps 2
Room information
Our Mt William Standard Rooms has a sumptuous king size bed and inviting ensuite bathroom.
Twin bedding is also available.
Each of our light, spacious guest suites are beautifully appointed with easy access to the gardens and vineyard.
All rooms have full air conditioning and heating, your own bar fridge, tea and coffee making facilities and television.
All Accommodation suites are strictly non-smoking. They also require stair access since they are located on the first level of the building. Please contact us in advance if this is a concern and if assistance is required.
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Harvest Superior Room
Harvest Superior Room
Sleeps 2
Room information
Our Harvest rooms are larger in size and have a king size bed, inviting ensuite bathroom with twin bedding available.
Each of our light, spacious guest suites are beautifully appointed with easy access to the gardens and vineyard.
All rooms have full air conditioning and heating, your own bar fridge, tea and coffee making facilities and television.
All Accommodation suites are strictly non-smoking. First floor or ground floor rooms are available, please request at time of booking.
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Standard Suite
Standard Suite
Sleeps 2
Room information
Our Suites are our largest rooms with a sumptuous king size bed, lounge, and bath in the inviting ensuite bathroom.
Each of our light, spacious guest suites are beautifully appointed with easy access to the gardens and vineyard.
All rooms have full air conditioning and heating, your own bar fridge, tea and coffee making facilities and television.
All Accommodation suites are strictly non-smoking. They also require stair access since they are located on the first level of the building. Please contact us in advance if this is a concern and if assistance is required.
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Family Suite
Family Suite
Sleeps 4
Room information
Our Family Suites are ideal for guests accommodating a family. Our Family Suites combine a Suite room with King size bed interconnecting with either a king or twin room.
Each of our light, spacious guest suites are beautifully appointed with easy access to the gardens and vineyard.
All rooms have full air conditioning and heating, your own bar fridge, tea and coffee making facilities and television.
All Accommodation suites are strictly non-smoking. They also require stair access since they are located on the first level of the building. Please contact us in advance if this is a concern and if assistance is required.
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Superior Suite
Superior Suite
Sleeps 2
Room information
Our Family Suites are ideal for guests accommodating a family. Our Family Suites combine a Suite room with King size bed interconnecting with either a king or twin room. Each of our light, spacious guest suites are beautifully appointed with easy access to the gardens and vineyard. All rooms have full air conditioning and heating, your own bar fridge, tea and coffee making facilities and television. All Accommodation suites are strictly non-smoking. They also require stair access since they are located on the first level of the building. Please contact us in advance if this is a concern and if assistance is required.
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Getting there
Check-in time
From 14:00
Check-out time
Until 11:00
Warm and welcoming, Cleveland Estate sits in the heart of the Macedon Ranges wine country. Located just 30 minutes from the airport and less than an hour from Melbourne city, Cleveland Estate is the perfect place to stay for a true Australian country experience.
The retreat spans over 100 acres of which 6 are under vines. It has 50 modern, architect-designed guest suites nestled alongside its historic 1890s Homestead. All guest suites feature individual air conditioning and heating unit, flat-screen TV with cable channels, quality amenities, telephone and tea/coffee trays. All guests also enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi .
Should you decide not to go out for your meals, the Carriage house Restaurant that resides in Cleveland Estate serves Fresh Wood Fire Pizza lunches on weekend and a la carte dinner on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and country breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays.
Cleveland Estate offers pure relaxation. Relax in one of our multiple guest lounges where you can play a game of pool table have a go on the giant Jenga. Alternatively, take the fun outdoors by going boating in our private late – take in the sweeping views of the ranges and natural bushland. Stroll amongst the vines or feed the farm animals which include alpacas, highland cows, sheep, ducks, geese and much more.
The cellar door is open on weekends for wine tasting. Featured wines include Chardonnay, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc and Brut. You can order a bottle of wine and a cheese platter after the tasting, sit at the lawn and soak in the serenity of the winery.
Group Travel:
If you are coming in a group, consider booking our private 1890s Homestead. This private retreat has six spa suites accommodating for up to 12 guests, spacious lounge, large flat-screen TV, entertainment system, private dining room, central heating, telephone, tea & coffee making facilities. It is certainly a unique holiday experience.
We also offer a variety of group dining options including, winemaker tasting/dinner, underground cellar dinner and a vast variety of theme dinners.Please do not hesitate to send us an email to discuss your group itinerary. Our dedicated team will be happy to help you.
WiFi (free)
Luggage storage
Onsite parking (free)
Non-smoking property
Business services
Bar / Lounge
Accessible facilities
Breakfast service
Dear guest
Thank you for choosing to stay with us. We are looking forward to welcoming you once again to the amazing Cleveland Winery.
Kind regards
The Cleveland Estate team
Bed Types are requests only and may not be honoured at the hotel if availability does not permit.Important information![Qantas QFF Logo]()
±Qantas Frequent Flyer members can redeem Qantas Points when booking hotel accommodation through, using Points Plus Pay. Members cannot redeem points for additional charges paid to the hotel for extras (including cots, breakfasts and other incidentals) on check-in or check-out (as applicable). Points Plus Pay allows you to choose the number of Qantas Points you redeem above the specified minimum level of 5,000 and pay for the remainder of the booking value with an Accepted Payment Card (including VISA, Mastercard or American Express). View full terms and conditions here.
~ Saving is off the hotel's generally available rate for the same property, room type, days, inclusions and conditions.
++ 500 bonus Qantas Points will be awarded to Qantas Frequent Flyer members who make their first Airbnb booking. Qantas Frequent Flyer members will earn 1 Qantas Point per A$1 spent for all Airbnb stays booked through and ratings featured are based on information provided by hotels and/or other service providers, distinguished accordingly. Ratings are either self-assigned by the service provider or obtained through Expedia (displayed as circles ), or by independent third parties (displayed as stars ) Any facilities shown as included are subject to change by the service provider. Jetstar does not guarantee any particular standard or class of accommodation or other service provided by a third party.
† Includes fee payable in local currency direct to hotel. Prices in AUD are approx and based on today's exchange rate.
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We pay our respects to Elders past and present.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present.