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Superior Beach View Room
Superior Beach View Room
Sleeps 3
Room information
With unrestricted beach access and stunning ocean views, our Superior Beach View Room is ideal for couples or a small family. Our beach view room accommodation is a studio style room containing a king bed and a single bed. This premier family-friendly accommodation includes a kitchenette with a microwave, small fridge and tea and coffee-making facilities, open plan living and dining with a TV and in-house movies, free Wi-Fi, and a bathroom. You will also be able to enjoy your own private veranda with built-in BBQ facilities and outdoor dining.
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Beach View Room
Beach View Room
Sleeps 2
Room information
With unrestricted beach views, our Beach View Room is ideal for couples or friends. This option is air-conditioned and includes one king bed or two singles, sleeping a maximum of two people. Accommodation facilities include free Wi-Fi, a small fridge, tea and coffee-making facilities, a bathroom, TV with in-house movies and a private balcony where you can sit and enjoy the ocean views at your leisure. Our resort facilities are also yours to experience, while the beach is just a short stroll from your front door.
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Family Studio
Family Studio
Sleeps 5
Room information
The ideal accommodation for families or groups of friends, our Family Studio offers self-contained convenience for your next holiday. The studio features one king bed, one single bunk bed and the option to request an additional trundle bed, with capacity for up to five guests. Accommodation facilities include a kitchenette with cooktop, a microwave, tea, coffee and toast-making facilities and a small fridge, a TV with in-house movies, free Wi-Fi, a bathroom, and outdoor dining. All our state-of-the-art resort facilities are located within a short walk, while the beach is right on your doorstep for you to enjoy.
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Garden View Room
Garden View Room
Sleeps 3
Room information
Our Garden View Rooms face our tropical gardens, creating a premier escape that is ideal for both couples and small families. All offer modern, air-conditioned comfort, as well as a queen bed and single bed with the option to request an additional trundle bed. Accommodation facilities include free Wi-Fi, a bathroom, kitchenette with a small fridge and tea, coffee and toast-making facilities, a TV with in-house movies, plus a four-person dining setting. You will also be just moments from our state-of-the-art resort facilities, including swimming pool, wading pool, BBQ facilities, mini golf course and much more.
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Budget Room Shared Bathroom
Budget Room Shared Bathroom
Sleeps 4
Room information
Ideal for a group of friends or a family on a budget, our Budget Room Shared Bathroom accommodation contains one double bed and one single bunk bed. The room sleeps a maximum of four guests and is air-conditioned for your comfort. Accommodation facilities include a shared bathroom, free Wi-Fi, and a TV with in-house movies. You will also be able to access our shared facilities, including the laundry, camp kitchen, BBQ areas and recreation room. Enjoy a short stroll to the beach or relax amongst our resort-style facilities, including two pools, BBQ areas, a restaurant and bar, mini-golf and much more.
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Backpacking Dorm Bed
Backpacking Dorm Bed
Sleeps 1
Room information
Our Backpacking Dorm is the ideal backpacker accommodation for a solo traveller or group of friends. This mixed dorm accommodation offers a shared four or eight bed dorm room, with all bed linen provided. You will have use of the communal bathroom facilities, as well as access to the laundry, camp kitchen, BBQ areas, free Wi-Fi, and other amenities during your stay. Plus, enjoy our resort-style facilities including two pools, a restaurant and bar, mini-golf and much more. With the beach just a short stroll away and so much to explore, this budget accommodation is a great option for young travellers.
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Pool View Room
Pool View Room
Sleeps 4
Room information
Perfect for couples or a small family, our Pool View Room accommodation enjoys views across our sparkling resort pool. The room contains one queen bed and one single bed with an optional trundle, sleeping a maximum of four guests. Accommodation facilities include reverse cycle air-conditioning, a kitchenette with tea, coffee and toast-making facilities, a microwave and a small fridge, free Wi-Fi, a bathroom, dining table and TV with in-house movies. This family-friendly accommodation is also just a short stroll from our state-of-the-art resort facilities, including swimming pool, wading pool, BBQ facilities, mini golf course and much more.
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Getting there
Check-in time
From 14:00
Check-out time
Until 10:00
RAC Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort is the only place to meet the dolphins of Monkey Mia.Featuring absolute beachfront accommodation in the heart of Shark Bay World Heritage Area, the Resort includes accommodation options for all travellers with a variety of rooms from backpackers, caravan and camping through to motel style units and luxury villas. Rooms are fresh and air-conditioned, with a modern design and range of features for optimum comfort.Dolphins have visited the shores of Monkey Mia daily for more than 40 years. So friendly are the native dolphins, they swim to the shore to meet you in the ankle deep waters of Dolphin Beach during morning feedings and interaction. Best of all, your experience with the dolphins costs nothing!A range of onsite facilities includes swimming pool, artesian spring hot tub, bar and restaurant, tennis and volleyball courts, free to access modern kitchen and barbecues making a friendly place with something to cater to all tastes.Tempt your tastebuds at Monkey Bar with dining that samples some of Western Australia's finest produce. Enjoy alfresco dining at The Boughshed or casual dining at the Monkey Bar.
WiFi (free)
Outdoor pool (unheated)
Luggage storage
Onsite parking (free)
Non-smoking property
Guest laundry
Bar / Lounge
Accessible facilities
RAC Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort
1 Monkey Mia Road, Monkey Mia Western Australia Australia
Bed Types are requests only and may not be honoured at the hotel if availability does not permit.
Important information![Qantas QFF Logo]()
±Qantas Frequent Flyer members can redeem Qantas Points when booking hotel accommodation through, using Points Plus Pay. Members cannot redeem points for additional charges paid to the hotel for extras (including cots, breakfasts and other incidentals) on check-in or check-out (as applicable). Points Plus Pay allows you to choose the number of Qantas Points you redeem above the specified minimum level of 5,000 and pay for the remainder of the booking value with an Accepted Payment Card (including VISA, Mastercard or American Express). View full terms and conditions here.
~ Saving is off the hotel's generally available rate for the same property, room type, days, inclusions and conditions.
++ 500 bonus Qantas Points will be awarded to Qantas Frequent Flyer members who make their first Airbnb booking. Qantas Frequent Flyer members will earn 1 Qantas Point per A$1 spent for all Airbnb stays booked through and ratings featured are based on information provided by hotels and/or other service providers, distinguished accordingly. Ratings are either self-assigned by the service provider or obtained through Expedia (displayed as circles ), or by independent third parties (displayed as stars ) Any facilities shown as included are subject to change by the service provider. Jetstar does not guarantee any particular standard or class of accommodation or other service provided by a third party.
† Includes fee payable in local currency direct to hotel. Prices in AUD are approx and based on today's exchange rate.
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