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Luggage Storage
Smoke Free
Check availability at Selina Central Melbourne
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Standard Room (Double), Private Bathroom
Standard Room (Double), Private Bathroom
Sleeps 2
Room information
A classic option for solo travelers or couples who value their privacy, our Standard Room is the perfect choice for travelers who value comfort and rest. Includes access to a private bathroom
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Compact Private Room, Shared Bathroom
Compact Private Room, Shared Bathroom
Sleeps 2
Room information
Similar to a ship or train cabin, our Compact Private Room combines modesty and affordability under one roof. Includes access to a shared bathroom.
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Sleeps 2
Room information
Enjoy all the comforts of home, including a dedicated workspace, lounge area, and bigger bed with our Suite. Designed for travelers who need a little more space, enjoy an authentic experience with the classic Selina touch.
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Family Room, Private Bathroom
Family Room, Private Bathroom
Sleeps 4
Room information
Versatile and functional, the Family Room sleeps a total of four guests. The space is equipped with one queen-sized bed, a bunk bed, and an ensuite bathroom for a more private experience. Includes access to a private bathroom.
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4 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
4 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
Sleeps 4
Room information
Connect with fellow travelers in our affordable Mixed Community Dorms! The perfect choice to rest and recharge for a day of exploring, enjoy your own twin-size bunk bed, an individual storage locker, and access to a shared bathroom.
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6 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
6 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
Sleeps 6
Room information
Connect with fellow travelers in our affordable Mixed Community Dorms! The perfect choice to rest and recharge for a day of exploring, enjoy your own twin-size bunk bed, an individual storage locker, and access to a shared bathroom.
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8 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
8 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
Sleeps 8
Room information
Connect with fellow travelers in our affordable Mixed Community Dorms! The perfect choice to rest and recharge for a day of exploring, enjoy your own twin-size bunk bed, an individual storage locker, and access to a shared bathroom.
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10 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
10 Bed Mixed Community Dorm
Sleeps 10
Room information
Connect with fellow travelers in our affordable Mixed Community Dorms! The perfect choice to rest and recharge for a day of exploring, enjoy your own twin-size bunk bed, an individual storage locker, and access to a shared bathroom.
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Premium Room (Queen), City View
Premium Room (Queen), City View
Sleeps 2
Room information
Perfect for guests looking for a little something extra, our Premium Room offers an authentic local experience designed with your comfort and privacy in mind.
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Getting there
Check-in time
From 03:00
Check-out time
Until 11:00
Selina Central Melbourne is located on Flinders Street. Selina boasts a prime location in the heart of the city. Whether you're looking to explore designer boutiques, boho cafes, or vibrant bars, we are right next to Degraves street a short, narrow pedestrianised laneway famous for its of beautiful fresh produce, local art scene and great coffee perfect for alfresco dinning and watching the world go by.St Paul's Cathedral, and Federation Square, are just a 2-minute walk away, while the Rod Laver Arena and the world-class Crown Casino are both free, 5-minute tram ride from Selina.
WiFi (free)
Luggage storage
Non-smoking property
Bar / Lounge
Accessible path of travel
Breakfast service
Cancellations and no-shows
Flexible Reservation:
Cancellations or modifications must be made by 6:00 pm (Local time) at least 2 day prior to arrival. Cancellations and no-shows made beyond that time will result in a one-night cancellation fee plus tax.
Semi-Flexible Reservations:
Full amount of stay (with taxes) is payable in advance by credit card at booking time. No cancellation charge applies prior to 18:00 (local time), up to 5 days prior to arrival. Beyond that time, the amount due is not refundable, even if the booking is cancelled or modified.
Non-refundable reservations:
Full amount of stay (with taxes) is payable in advance by credit card at booking time.
Non-refundable reservations are those made through early booking promotions and minimum stay reservations among others. Keep in mind that non-refundable reservations require full payment of the account to reserve. Payment will be processed and debited from the authorized credit card. If the charge is declined, the reservation may be cancelled. No refunds will be given for cancellations, absences or premature departures.
Group Reservations:
Payment policies:
To validate your reservation, you must confirm it in the email that we have sent you by placing a valid credit card as a guarantee, and responding to in order to send you the confirmation letter.
After it has been confirmed we will proceed to make 50% of the reservation charge. The remaining 50% must be paid no later than 15 days before the check-in date. Also, if you wish, you can make the payment by bank transfer.
Changes or cancellations are accepted up to 30 days before check in. If the reservation starts in less than 15 days, cancellations are not accepted after confirmation and 100% of the final value of the reservation will be charged.
If the group reservation is canceled after 15 days prior to check in, no refunds will be made. Any change that alters the final amount of the rate at a lower cost after the 15 days prior to check in will not be reimbursed.
Age Policies
Young, wild and free? Please remember one important detail: All guests must be 18 years or older to stay in a shared dormitory. If you are below 18 years of age, then you must be accompanied by a family member or a legal guardian (18 years or older) in a private room. We just want to make sure that you are safe and sound!
Local Taxes
Guests may be required to pay additional local taxes or other regulatory charges upon check-in. Ask and triple check before paying!
Other General Conditions
- Smoking: Not permitted at Selina locations. Yes, it's a big number...but a $300 charge will be billed to guests who do not comply. Not worth it!
- Coolers: Your cooler is not permitted at Selina locations.
- Food and drinks: If brought from outside of Selina, food and drink may not be consumed in common areas, with the exception of the common kitchen.
- Pets: Selina is pet friendly! Pet owners are required to book private rooms, as pets are not permitted in dormitories. There is also a cost of $10 per pet per night.
- Towels: For guests staying in dormitories, there is a small towel deposit fee. The deposit will be refunded once the towel is returned at check-out.
- Key deposit: Guests in dormitories will be charged a small key deposit that will be refunded once the key is returned at check-out.
- Luggage: Luggage storage is available at reception and is free of charge for 24 hours. There will be a $5 charge per day that is subject to availability.
- You can cancel your reservation free of charge within the first 4 hours of booking it, regardless of the rate selected.
Bed Types are requests only and may not be honoured at the hotel if availability does not permit.Important information![Qantas QFF Logo]()
±Qantas Frequent Flyer members can redeem Qantas Points when booking hotel accommodation through, using Points Plus Pay. Members cannot redeem points for additional charges paid to the hotel for extras (including cots, breakfasts and other incidentals) on check-in or check-out (as applicable). Points Plus Pay allows you to choose the number of Qantas Points you redeem above the specified minimum level of 5,000 and pay for the remainder of the booking value with an Accepted Payment Card (including VISA, Mastercard or American Express). View full terms and conditions here.
~ Saving is off the hotel's generally available rate for the same property, room type, days, inclusions and conditions.
++ 500 bonus Qantas Points will be awarded to Qantas Frequent Flyer members who make their first Airbnb booking. Qantas Frequent Flyer members will earn 1 Qantas Point per A$1 spent for all Airbnb stays booked through and ratings featured are based on information provided by hotels and/or other service providers, distinguished accordingly. Ratings are either self-assigned by the service provider or obtained through Expedia (displayed as circles ), or by independent third parties (displayed as stars ) Any facilities shown as included are subject to change by the service provider. Jetstar does not guarantee any particular standard or class of accommodation or other service provided by a third party.
† Includes fee payable in local currency direct to hotel. Prices in AUD are approx and based on today's exchange rate.
Hotel ratings and reviews provided by![Trip-Advisor Logo](
Qantas would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the local lands and waterways on which we live, work and fly.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present.