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±Qantas Frequent Flyer members can redeem Qantas Points when booking hotel accommodation through, using Points Plus Pay. Members cannot redeem points for additional charges paid to the hotel for extras (including cots, breakfasts and other incidentals) on check-in or check-out (as applicable). Points Plus Pay allows you to choose the number of Qantas Points you redeem above the specified minimum level of 5,000 and pay for the remainder of the booking value with an Accepted Payment Card (including VISA, Mastercard or American Express).  View full terms and conditions here.
~ Saving is off the hotel's generally available rate for the same property, room type, days, inclusions and conditions. 
++ 500 bonus Qantas Points will be awarded to Qantas Frequent Flyer members who make their first Airbnb booking. Qantas Frequent Flyer members will earn 1 Qantas Point per A$1 spent for all Airbnb stays booked through
Descriptions and ratings featured are based on information provided by hotels and/or other service providers, distinguished accordingly. Ratings are either self-assigned by the service provider or obtained through Expedia (displayed as circles ), or by independent third parties (displayed as stars ) Any facilities shown as included are subject to change by the service provider. Jetstar does not guarantee any particular standard or class of accommodation or other service provided by a third party.
† Includes fee payable in local currency direct to hotel. Prices in AUD are approx and based on today's exchange rate.
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