Cheap flights to Miyazaki
^One way economy Starter fares with 7kg carry-on baggage only. Available until sale ends or sold out. Not available on all flights or days. Availability may be limited. Other conditions apply, see things you need to know below.
A tropical destination in the heart of Japan
Find out more about Miyazaki including when to go, things to do and much more^Important information about fares
Carry-on baggage limits, including size restrictions, will be strictly applied. Passengers with more than the applicable carry-on baggage allowance will need to check in baggage, and charges will apply.
One-way, includes include airfare-related surcharges, fees, taxes, and a booking and service fee of ₱250 per passenger per flight, excluding travel taxes and terminal fee payable at airports and are based on bookings made at in Philippine peso. Fares exclude travel taxes of ₱1,620 payable at NAIA terminal and Clark International Airport. Payment options and fees may differ by currency. Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Seats are subject to availability.
Most fares are non-refundable. If your fare is non-refundable and you choose not to travel, you may contact us to check whether there are certain third-party charges and taxes, including terminal fees, which may be refunded. Limited changes are permitted, charges apply. See Fare rules for more information. All travel on Jetstar is subject to the Jetstar Conditions of Carriage. Other conditions apply. If you choose not to travel, you may contact us to check whether there are certain third-party charges and taxes, including terminal fees, which may be refunded.
Before you book your flight, and before you travel, please visit our travel advice page.